we hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving brought celebrations to The Allure Group’s facilities, as residents enjoyed food and family time.
Also, some fun facts to keep in mind about this distinctly American holiday:
- The first Thanksgiving, celebrated in 1621 by the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians, featured not turkey but such foods as venison and duck. The feast also lasted three days.
- Years later Ben Franklin wanted to make the turkey the national bird, not the bald eagle.
- Americans eat 46 million turkeys each Thanksgiving. The average weight of each bird is 15 pounds.
Clean socks are the most-requested item at homeless shelters (above even food), and as a result often in short supply. DentServ Dental Service, P.C. — with an assist from The Allure Group — is aiming to do something about it.
DentServ, a provider of premier contractual dental services, began a sock drive for the homeless in mid-November, and it will run through the end of January. The Allure Group was one of the first companies to partner with DentServ in this worthy cause.
“As soon as I heard of this drive, I felt that it was such a wonderful way to give back,” Melissa Powell, Allure’s Chief Operations Officer, said in a news release. “I immediately reached out to DentServ’s COO, Isaac Newman, to offer our facilities as drop-off locations.”
New or still-packaged and unused socks can be dropped off at any of The Allure Group’s facilities, or shipped to DentServ’s headquarters in Pelham Manor, New York.
The pictures above show the first meetings of PS 197’s “Celebrating Dads” and “Hello Moms Club.” These are two initiatives The Allure Group’s Harlem Center has partnered with the school to create, giving fathers and mothers in the community a safe place to express their needs, experiences, concerns, and tribulations.
The goal is to assist each club by providing information about such topics as healthcare, life insurance, and career opportunities, but also to discuss relevant topics like domestic violence and law enforcement. In addition to helping to create and sustain these two clubs, we also sponsor the breakfast for the club meetings at the local school, where the children are called out of class to share breakfast with their parents.
The Winners from our Breast Cancer Awareness Raffles
king david center employee of the month
Congratulations to King David’s employee of the month is Natacha Jean-Baptiste from housekeeping! Thank you so much for all that you do for The Allure Group!
Empathy in Healthcare: Take a Walk in Someone Else’s Shoes (or a Ride in their Wheelchair)
How important is empathy in healthcare? Let us count the ways. It leads to better patient outcomes, and results in greater compliance and satisfaction on their part as well…. Click here to read the full post.