


March 2020 Newsletter from The Allure Group

Thank you message to The Allure Group staff

allure-group-thank you staff

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the brave and hard-working members of our staff who are toiling tirelessly to keep all our nursing homes running smoothly amid this global pandemic.

Not all heroes wear capes. Some show up every day to care for the most vulnerable in our society. We are grateful to each and every one of you for your dedication and are proud to have you as a part of The Allure Group family.

Click here to read the Thank You note by our President & COO, Melissa Powell.

A Message for the Friends and Family of Residents

We wanted to send along a message of solidarity and also provide some facility-specific information during this trying time. While the recently mandated visitor policy has been difficult for all, you have other means of staying connected with your loved ones, particularly through our bedside tablets known as Pads in Motion.

These tablets, which have been in use for over a year, are designed to keep residents in touch with family and others who cannot visit as much as they might like. Now, with the unique challenges of the COVID-19 outbreak, PadInMotion has become an essential lifeline to help keep residents connected to the outside world. While we are doing all we can to keep safe and busy in the facilities, we would encourage you all to reach out to your loved ones. Our staff would be thrilled to set up a quick chat, virtual card game or maybe even a happy hour.

Here is a link to a YouTube tutorial about PadInMotion. Instructions can also be found at our website, Allurecare.com.

Please stay connected with us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter for latest updates.

How to Stay Safe During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Here are best practices for staying safe and stopping the spread of the coronavirus:

  • Shelter in place: In other words, stay home! This is particularly important for those suffering from lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer or a weakened immune system. By staying home, you avoid those who might already be infected with the disease.
  • Wash your hands: Sounds simple, but do it often, with soap and water.
  • Don’t touch your face: Hard to do; tends to be one of those things people do without thinking. But it’s a must.
  • Cover your nose when you cough or sneeze: Do so with a tissue. Or into your elbow. But not your hand.
  • Mind your health: Pay attention, particularly for signs of cold or flu. An elevated temperature or shortness of breath are specific signs that the coronavirus might be taking hold.

From Our Blog THIS MONTH